14 Jun 2024

Chauke Family Who Was Badly Affected By The Floods.

Chauke Family Who Was Badly Affected By The Floods.

In the aftermath of the recent heavy floods that wreaked havoc in and around Venda, the Collen Mashawana Foundation paid a visit to the Chauke family of 16, who were left homeless and in destitute. The family lived in two mud huts and having had no income, they were not only left homeless but also hopeless in efforts to rebuild what they had lost. The family was regarded as one of the poorest in the areas, until today when the tides of fate have changed and the family received keys to a brand new home. The Foundation is both honored and in gratitude to have seen this to reality through our "One-.brick-at-a-time" initiative, which seeks to bring hope for the homeless.

The family house consists of 4 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and proper sanitation turning the two mud houses into a distant memory. The home we donated comes fully furnished. The Chauke Family family can definitely claim to have one of the biggest and beautiful homes in the area. CMF has also extended a hand in employing the eldest son, who has shown a keen interest in construction. He will be assisting our teams on other building projects, giving him an opportunity to also make a difference in building for others. This will also ensure the family generates income in the long term. It has always been our mission to change lives and it brings us great joy to see the fruits of our hands coming together to make a difference.


The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

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The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

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The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey