14 Jun 2024

Donating a Borehole to Hammanskraal Community and Honoring School Principal

Donating a Borehole to Hammanskraal Community and Honoring School Principal
The Collen Mashawana Foundation, in partnership with the People Matter Foundation, is pleased to announce their upcoming Mandela Day initiative, scheduled for July 18, 2023, at Adam Masebe Secondary School in Hammanskraal, Pretoria.

Nelson Mandela International Day, observed annually on July 18th, commemorates the life and legacy of the late Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, South Africa's first democratically elected President. As we mark the 10th anniversary of Madiba's passing in December 2013, this year's theme, "The Legacy Lives on Through You," resonates with the enduring impact of his principles.

Under the overarching theme of "Climate, Food & Solidarity," the call to action for Nelson Mandela International Day 2023 highlights some of the most pressing global challenges we face. Together, we will strive to address poverty and inequality by taking decisive action against climate change and fostering resilient food systems.

In the spirit of bringing hope to the community of Hammanskraal, the Collen Mashawana Foundation and the People Matter Foundation are honored to announce the donation of a borehole to Adam Masebe Secondary School. This is not the first borehole we’ve donated in Hammanskraal, as we continue our efforts to provide sustainable access to clean water for the community. 
The initiative is a direct response to the recent cholera outbreak that tragically claimed the lives of 23 individuals in Hammanskraal. By providing access to clean water, we aim to contribute to the well-being and health of the community, ensuring a safer environment for all.

Additionally, as part of this significant initiative, we are delighted to honor the outstanding work and contributions of Mr. Adam Masebe, the esteemed Principal of Adam Masebe Secondary School. Mr. Masebe's unwavering dedication to supporting the community and empowering students has had a transformative impact on the lives of many. We recognize his remarkable achievements and express our deepest appreciation for his leadership.

Furthermore, we understand the significance of this initiative in the spirit of Nelson Mandela, who dedicated his life to uplifting communities and fostering unity. By donating this borehole and honoring Mr. Adam Masebe, we aim to symbolize our commitment to bringing hope, resilience, and positive change to the community of Hammanskraal. The spirit of Mandela inspires us to stand together, support one another, and work towards a brighter future.

In addition to the borehole donation and the tribute to Mr. Masebe, a dedicated group of volunteers will embark on a project to enhance the aesthetics of the school environment through the refurbishment and beautification of a designated area. This effort aims to create an inspiring learning space for students and foster a sense of pride within the community.

As part of our Mandela Day initiative, we will also distribute food parcels and blankets to senior citizens in Hammanskraal, extending our support and care to those in need. This act of solidarity reflects our commitment to addressing the challenges faced by vulnerable individuals and ensuring their well-being.

"We are honored to carry forward the legacy of Tata Nelson Mandela by making a positive impact in the lives of the Hammanskraal community and by recognizing Mr. Adam Masebe's exceptional leadership," stated Collen Mashawana, Founder of the Collen Mashawana Foundation. "Through our collective efforts, we strive to bring hope, resilience, and a brighter future for all."

The Collen Mashawana Foundation and the People Matter Foundation extend their heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers, supporters, and partners whose dedication and generosity make this Mandela Day initiative possible.


The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey

The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey

The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey