03 Mar 2024

Eastern Cape House Handover - Kwanontshinga Kucentane The Shotana Family Of 9


The Collen Mashawana visited KwaNontshinga kuCentane the Shotana family of 9. The family is led by Gogo Nomakhwezi who has 8 children of her own of the 8, 3 passed away. The first born Phelisa was hit by a car , Athule mysteriously tripped and collapsed at work and then Sbongiseni was stabbed on his way back home.

She now has 3 grandchildren between the ages of 9,10 and 11 whose parents passed away, the children are not getting any foster care grant and we managed to get social workers to assist with documentation and getting them grant. Her other 5 sons sleep at the neighbors houses because there isn't enough space for all of them , some sleep on the floor and the house leaks and gets flooded when it rains.

Gogo puts her clothes against the wall to cover holes on the wall so the wind doesn’t come in. She lost her husband more than 20 years ago . CMF is in Partnership with AECI and will be donating a new home, a borehole and a community vegetable garden.


The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

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The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey

The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey