11 Nov 2022

Emergency Relief Packs For Soweto Informal Settlement

Emergency Relief Packs For Soweto Informal Settlement

On the 8th of May, the Collen Mashawana Foundation distributed food parcels. clothes and PPE to the community of Lusaka Informal Settlement.

We met with the community at Emndeni High School where upon arrival evervone's temperature was scanned, hands were sanitized, protectve masks were given and the social distacing protocols were followed. The recipients were mainly the elderly people living with disability and women.


The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey

The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey

The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey