09 Mar 2024

Mandela Day

Mandela Day

On the 18 of July 2023 , the Collen Mashawana Foundation and People Matter Foundation, together with the friends of the foundation, joined forces to commemorate Mandela Day at Adam Masebe Secondary School in Hammanskraal, Pretoria.

As we celebrated the life and legacy of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, our collective efforts made a significant impact. The Collen Mashawana Foundation and People Matter Foundation donated a borehole, and Vhanor Projects generously contributed a JOJO tank to Adam Masebe Secondary School.

Food parcels and blankets were distributed to senior citizens in Hammanskraal, while books were donated to the grade 12 students, extending our support and care to those in need. We also dedicated our 67 minutes to giving back to the community, embodying the spirit of Mandela's selflessness.

Additionally, we were delighted to honor Mr. Amos Maubane, the esteemed Principal of Adam Masebe Secondary School, for his outstanding work and contributions. In recognition of his remarkable achievements, the People Matter Foundation, Vhanor Projects, Ferguson Foundation, and other friends of the foundation donated R88,000 to Mr. Maubane, expressing our deepest appreciation for his exceptional leadership.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers, supporters, and partners who made this Mandela Day initiative possible. Your dedication and generosity have created a lasting impact, uplifting the community of Hammanskraal. Together, we continue to embody the spirit of Mandela and strive for positive change.


The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey

The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey

The Collen Mashawana Foundation is an African-based NGO founded by Collen Mashawana, the President and founder of Afribiz Invest.

Website by DesignKey